
Prophet of Doom: Delphi Chronicles Book One by D.S. Murphy

Prophet of Doom: Delphi Chronicles Book One by [Murphy, D.S.]You’d think time-travel would be a useful gift, for cheating on tests and winning the lottery–stuff like that. I might have enjoyed my ability…if I hadn’t discovered humanity is on the brink of a genetically-engineered apocalypse.

Bodies rotting in the streets.
Wilderness eating away at my hometown.
Monstrous creatures hunting down the few survivors.

No one can save the world… except me.Because for me, it hasn’t even happened yet.For me, it might never happen.

All I need to do is kill the man who will destroy the world.
The father of my high-school crush.

The only problem is, the more time I spend in that dystopian wasteland, the less I want to erase it.To save the future, I’ll need to sacrifice the one person I can’t bear to lose.

Prophet of Doom is a young adult science fiction adventure for fans of the Maze Runner and Divergent. Let yourself be captured by this zombie-infested time travel adventure based on Greek mythology.


His hood kept his face in shadow, but I could tell he was young–less than twenty for sure. I could see the tips of his long dark hair poking out from beneath his chin. His hands and most of his arms were covered by what I suspected was a pair of socks with holes cut into them for his fingers, and he clutched a crossbow loosely at his side.

He brushed past me, ignoring my defensive stance and the rolling pin, and grabbed the arrow jutting out from the creature behind me. He twisted it out with a sharp pull, and flicked the black blood off before sticking the arrow back in his quiver. I shuddered. Then he headed to the front door, which I could see was open.

“We’ve got to move,” he said, gesturing behind him for me to follow.
I didn’t budge. I was staring at the grotesque body behind me.

“What is this thing?” I asked. It was humanoid, but with leathery skin, almost no hair, and fingers like talons. Curved and edged with sharp, hard nails.

“You’ve never seen a modified before?” The boy eyed me with surprise, then confusion. “Have you been living in a cave your whole life?”

“Who are you?” I asked.
“The guy who just saved your life,” he said. “Now shut up and stick behind me.”


Prophet of Doom: Delphi Chronicles Book One is a well written time travel dystopian story where the main character can see the future and try to stop what is to come. The characters are well developed, but I am saddened by having to wait for the next book. This book will leave you craving for more and the author does a good job at that.